Meet Mercy Hill’s New Campus Director, David McNees

October 19, 2017

Mercy Hill, 

If you haven’t heard, along with our launching of the campus at Edgefield, we have named a new campus director for that campus, David McNees. Below is a blog from him asking us to consider being a part of the Edgefield launch team. Check it out!

God has richly blessed us at Mercy Hill over the last five years. We’ve seen lives changed, marriages restored, and over 500 baptisms of people going from death to life. As we acknowledge that, we desire to see more. Our desire to see more is rooted in the desire to see God’s glory and fame spread throughout the Triad and the world. Part of our strategy in the Together Initiative’s For the Triad is to start campuses throughout the Triad so that people have easier access to the gospel. Our new Edgefield Campus will be part of that strategy as we seek to make disciples of Jesus throughout Northwest Guilford County and beyond. This campus will not just feel like our Regional or Clifton Rd. campuses, it will be the exact same as the other campuses. This will not be a church plant; it will be Mercy Hill Church.


Edgefield, Really? Really.

Some people may ask, “Why Northwest? Aren’t there already lots of churches in this area?” I think the better question is “Why not Northwest?” Let me give you three reasons for a Northwest Greensboro Campus:

We have twenty Community Groups already meeting in Northwest Guilford County. We want to leverage those relationships in the area to make an impact for the gospel.

We have an awesome facility in a fantastic location that was generously given by The Church at Edgefield when they became a part of Mercy Hill Church in 2014.

There is need in Northwest Guilford County. The population is going to continue to grow and, based on surveys, the area has a high number of people who call themselves spiritual, but they would not call themselves disciples and followers of Jesus, and they are not involved in a church. With so many unchurched and de-churched people we need to provide opportunities so they can hear and understand the gospel, maybe for the first time.

How can you be a part of this venture? First, please pray. Pray that God would begin a movement of his Spirit in Northwest Guilford County. Pray for God to move in the heart of those who will come. Pray for those who are considering being a part of the launch team. Second, would you consider being a part of the launch team? At peak times, most of our services are at capacity. We need 400-500 people to come over to the Edgefield campus. Launching this campus will remove many of the barriers we are now experiencing, and it will help us continue to grow.

We will be having two more interest meetings in the near future. The next will be Sunday, October 29 at 6:30 pm at our Regional Campus. The last interest meeting will be Monday, November 20 at 7:00 pm at our Regional Campus. Come and see what all this is about; come and see how you can play a vital role in seeing the gospel advanced in Northwest Guilford County. 

-David McNees (Edgefield Campus Director)

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